Friday, September 28, 2007

Been sick

I haven't been around to post because I've been really out of it with whatever horrible crud Jason brought home. He was sick for several days and I knew that I'd catch it, because I always do. I had pneumonia for the first time when I was 2 years old and that seems to have set the stage for me to get any cold or flu bug in the area. It usually deteriorates into brochitis and I have a lovely week or so of feeling like death warmed over.

Anyway... I got sick starting last weekend and it just went downhill from there. By Tuesday night I felt completely awful and I spent most of Wednesday and Thursday lying on the couch in and out of sleep.

The worse part of it was Jason had to go out of town for his work so it was just me and Bentley. As much as Bentley loves me he still hasn't mastered the art of shopping and fixing chicken soup. Maybe it's that opposable thumb thing.

I don't know how people who are alone do it when they get sick. I really feel for any of you who do not have a partner, child or even a roommate.

This morning I feel at least mostly human again, so I think I'm over it at last. Of course Jason will be home tonight!

I have a lot of quilty things I want to get to this weekend as well as doing another dye batch, but we'll see how much energy I have.


Yvonne said...

So glad you're feeling a little better....take it easy and don't push it. Sorry you had to brave it alone.

Mar said...

Hope you continue to feel better. Drink lots of fluids....

Angie said...

Yuk, so sorry to hear you've been under the weather!! Hope you continue to feel better, and can get back to the fun quilty stuff this weekend! :D

Darlene said...

I'm sorry you've been feeling poorly. Take care and get lots of rest.

Vicky said...

Get well soon! We can't have our sweetie feeling yucky! Just take it easy for the weekend. Everything will be there when you feel better! (Hugs)