Monday, August 27, 2007


The quilt related stuff is towards the end of this post in case you have an aversion to talk about being sick...

I woke up this morning at around 3 am with a horrible headache. I hoped it would not be so bad that I couldn't go to work, but after I got up and took my morning thyroid medication, it wasn't more than 15 minutes until I was running for the bathroom to empty my stomach. My head was pounding something horrible, so I sent an email in to let everyone know I wasn't going to make it and laid back down on the couch. Jason came out to see what was wrong and if there was anything he could do. I knew I couldn't take anything for it at least until I could keep some food down, so I just tried to go back to sleep. I woke up again as he was getting read to leave and went into the bedroom and laid down again. The next time I woke up it was around 10 am. My head still hurt but it was more manageable.

I've had these headaches off and on now for a couple of years. I went to the doctor once and they told me they were migraines. I don't really buy that for a couple of reasons, but a neurologist did check me out to make sure it wasn't a tumor.

My boss always acts like I'm faking it when this happens. I don't think he ever has had to deal with horrible headaches and maybe he just doesn't get it, but I'm completely useless when I get one. Right now I feel the dregs of it still causing pressure on the right side of my face. Feels a lot like someone is pushing on my right eyeball.

Bentley laid down with me the whole time. It's really amazing how animals can tell you do not feel well and they seem to want to comfort you.

So, now that I at least feel human again, I'm going to try to figure out what I can do for my quilt I'm going to hand piece. Jinny Beyer has some lovely quilts in her book (Quilting by Hand) but I think I might just pick out a pattern from something else to use. I haven't really decided yet. I'll post something when I do.

I'm going to attempt finishing up the binding on the quilt I machine quilted. I will feel really good when that quilt is finished, no matter how it looks! I really do like having things done well, but I finally realized that my drive for perfection was holding me back in this case. I shouldn't expect to quilt something perfectly the first time no more than anyone can do something perfectly the first time. If I give myself permission to fail, I'm giving myself permission to learn, and that's the most important thing.


Yvonne said...

I hope you are feeling better...those migraines are no fun. Pick a project that you will enjoy hand piecing. I'm learning that same lesson's ok if it's not perfect, just enjoy the process.

Carol said...

I get those awful headaches too and people just don't understand unless they've lived through it. A doctor told me to take 3 Motrin and 2 Extra Strength Tylenol the moment I feel one coming on. I've done it twice now and it's worked like a charm. The key is don't wait.

atet said...

Migraines are awful -- I get them every now and then. You really can't do anything but lay down and wish they would go away (or someone would shoot you first -- whichever is easier!). Hang in there!

Vicky said...

Good for you! The hardest thing for me was to let go of the perfectionist attitude!

I sympathize with you on the headaches. Hope you're feeling right as rain tomorrow morning! (Hugs)

Mar said...

I hope you are back to normal now and rid of the pain. Take care.