Monday, August 20, 2007

New Blog and all

I write for myself.

That doesn't mean I am uninterested in comments, quite the opposite and if anyone out in Internetland decides to come here and spend time reading what I write, I'm very interested in what they have to say. What I mean by 'writing for myself' is that I plan to write what I feel like writing. I started this blog primarily as a way to keep myself motivated in working with dyeing fabric and Quilting.

How often it will be updated? I'm not really sure. It will depend a lot on how the spirit moves me. I'm hoping that it will move me a lot. :)

It always fascinates me how blogs are very intimate and yet at the same time, you really only see a slice of whoever is writing. Your view of the person is limited by what little of them you are allowed to see. Kind of like a voyeur who only catches glimpses of a person's life while watching through a window.

The slice of me you will see for now is my passion for fabric and quilting.

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