Tuesday, September 4, 2007


This morning as I was getting ready for work, I caught a brief glimpse of a woman in the bathroom mirror and just for a second I wondered who she was. The fleeting moment left me with an odd feeling.

I don't look in mirrors more than necessary. I brush my teeth, wash my face and brush my hair and I'm used to the woman who stares back. I check to make sure clothes look as flattering as possible and I won't embarrass myself when I head out, but I don't spend a great deal of time on my reflection.

Somewhere in my mind I stopped aging and gaining pounds years ago. Please understand that I am not obsessed with eternal youth and I am not interested in being younger, it's just that somewhere, the person in my head that is 'me' stopped getting older and chubbier some time ago. And so, the pudgy silver-haired woman staring back at me took me by surprise.

As I looked at the woman in the mirror I thought about where I am in my life now. I have lived a full life, much more diverse than many people, less diverse than others. I'm not ready to pack it in for a long time yet and I hope I have many more interesting and educational times.

Do we all do that? It made me think a lot about how many people I know who have an odd view of their own looks. They feel they are too fat or too skinny, their nose is too long or they are too wrinkled. They aren't perfect enough. Are they really seeing their own flaws reflected truly or is this just a distorted image built up somewhere in their own mind?

It made me think again about how I hate how I look. I am not a pretty woman and I've done nothing to make 'the most of myself' as some would say. Perhaps that view I have is as distorted as the other, where I saw someone else staring back at me in the mirror.


Yvonne said...

You're pretty on the inside where it counts. :) I think we all go through that to some degree.

Mar said...

well, I think you are beautiful and I've never seen you, so there! I tend to do the same, ignorance is bliss!

Susie said...

If you think you are plain you'll plain. If you think you are pretty, you'll be pretty. My opinion is, it's how you feel that counts...how you feel physically and emotionally and spirtitually. There will always be someone plainer than you and prettier than you. I bet the people who love you think you are beautiful.

Teresa said...

I think I may need to work a bit on the message I'm trying to convey. :) I really appreciate all the votes of confidence, but I'm okay with myself. I was more just thinking of how what we see, may not always be what others see.